The Personality Number
Your Personality Number is a representation of the outer you, and the aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with others. This number gives you an understanding of the image you project to others and the type of first impression you leave. It is only a small reflection of your true nature however, as you are generally in control of the face you show to the world.
The Personality Number is one of the five Core Numbers in your numerology chart. However, it is less dominant compared to your Life Path, Expression and Heart’s Desire Numbers. Being less dominant than the other Core Numbers, it is absolutely normal for the other Core Numbers to overshadow your Personality Number traits.
Personality Number: 1
You are ambitious, courageous and strong willed. With your skills at tackling problems head-on and dealing with conflicts, you are often viewed as the person who takes control of a situation. Your magnetic personality gives you the ability to inspire and motivate others.
A natural born leader, you have a unique style that sets you apart from the crowd, making you stand out as a trendsetter. Even though you may appear egoistical, intimidating and bossy, people often trust your judgment and turn to you for advice. When living positively, you are also able to see and acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them.
You place a certain degree of importance on your physical appearance. If you feel your appearance is less than perfect, you may lose your self-esteem due to your self-critical thoughts of others’ opinion of you. It is best if you can change what you do not like about yourself; however it is also essential that you accept your imperfections when necessary so as to not taint your own self-image.
Personality Number: 2
One of your most admirable traits is your friendly demeanor. You have a strong dislike of conflict and often take the role of peacemaker regardless of which environment you are in. Your unpretentious, genuine and kind heart touches people, making you a trustworthy person in the eyes of others. Many people are drawn to your nurturing and warm personality and confide their problems in you as they feel your neutral and non-judgmental attitude.
Your patience has a high durability, making you a difficult person to anger. Even when you feel wronged, you are quick to forgive and get back up quickly as you have a knack of seeing situations from the other person’s point of view.
Due to your desire to please all parties, you often appear indecisive as you ponder on the consequences of a particular decision. You may also appear to be a pushover at times, especially when you encounter people who take advantage of your kindness. However, this never stops you from extending a helping hand to others.
Personality Number: 3
You have the ability to attract people, either with outer or inner beauty. Your friendly and extrovert personality makes being around you an uplifting experience and many are drawn to your magnetic and charismatic influence. You also tend to have luck in being successful and achieving prosperity, so when opportunity presents itself, muster up the courage to explore the possibilities.
As a person who enjoys social interactions, being more honest and sincere will be beneficial in making a good first impression, as your tendency to gossip may turn people off.
Most Number 3s are hopeless romantics, but while you fall in love easily, you fall out of it easily too. Learning to be more grounded in your relationships will help you have a more meaningful romance.
Personality Number: 4
Reliable and honest, you are often a pillar of strength in various situations as people feel secure and trust your good judgement. Even those who find your tactless behaviour overbearing recognize your ability and seek your advice in times of need.
You are knowledgable and value control and precision. You carry out your work efficiently and expertly, and you measure your success and derive contentment from a job well done. You are a family person and often worry about their future. You strive to be a good provider and your consistency usually pays off by having a comfortable and secure future for you and your loved ones.
You spend your money wisely, frugal but with a good eye for quality and value. You tend to wear plain, earth-toned colors and prefer clothes that are practical and durable over the latest trends. Fashion is not your main focus as you give a large portion of your concentration to your work performance rather than your appearance. Your wardrobe and style may benefit from an upgrade in terms of colorful accessories or simple jewelry.
Personality Number: 5
Confident and charismatic, you are often the life of the party and your magnetic personality naturally draws others to you. Upbeat and optimistic, your zest for life is infectious. As a result, whether knowingly or not, you are a great influencer and an inspiration to many.
You are witty and a smooth talker, which makes you an excellent salesperson. Despite your good social skills however, you can come across as bored at times. You dress fashionably but should learn to appreciate the value of modesty.
You love freedom and see life as an adventure, which can make your actions unpredictable and irresponsible at times as you seek the next stimulating experience. However, overindulging your senses can be detrimental as addiction can arise. Discipline is necessary.
You are intelligent and can easily acquire knowledge and retain it. However you often just skim the surface and your knowledge can be superficial. To be successful, you need to be more focused and deepen your understanding in fields that you are pursuing.
Your versatility and flexibility is also a great asset as it gives you a wider playing field and higher chances of success as various opportunities present themselves in your life. Try to be honest, present, and authentic in order to make the best impression.
Personality Number: 6
Compassionate and understanding, you are someone that others can turn to in times of need. You are wise, supportive and self-sacrificing and you like keeping the harmony. People like you for these qualities and yet may take you for granted.
Often, you are more concerned about your personality rather than your sense of style. You are incredibly vulnerable to both praise and criticism, and your caring nature may put unnecessary stress on you.
You are righteous and have a keen sense of justice. Sometimes you take this too far and end up a martyr or getting too involved in the lives of others. You should develop the ability to perceive both the strengths and weaknesses of others; otherwise, you can be a poor judge of character and your generosity will be exploited by insincere people.
Personality Number: 7
Mysterious and intriguing, you are intelligent, a deep thinker and have a unique life philosophy, which sets you apart and yet makes you appear a little intimidating and difficult to approach. Due to this, people may fail to get to know you better in the beginning, but they soon notice and respect your wisdom and intuitive insights.
Despite your introvert tendencies, you can be an inspiring speaker on topics that pique your interest. Otherwise, mindless chatter is not something you voluntarily engage in. Finding a common ground and being more open will help you connect more with others. You are often seen as spiritual or religious.
In general, you have little to no concern for your personal appearance unless you need to make a certain impression. Regardless, you often look dignified in whatever you wear. If you strive to be well groomed, you will gain more confidence but remember to keep your arrogance in check.
Personality Number: 8
Confident, competent and strong in personality, you are ambitious and often come across as a person who takes control of situations. Your natural air of authority and competitive nature must be harnessed wisely as your tactless words and actions have the capability to inspire others or tear them apart.
It is important for you to dress well to enhance your natural abilities. However, try not to be overly concerned with your image, stature or power as it may prove detrimental especially to your health.
While you may be spontaneous and exciting, making you a joy to be around, you can also be a workaholic and your egocentric attitude may portray you as ruthless and greedy. Yet despite your strong personality, deep down you wish for everyone to be happy, and those around you often sense this good nature in you.
At your best, you have the capability to get almost any job done and your positive attitude attracts many people as you exude confidence and success. However, a balance must be found in order not to overpower others to the point that they lose their self-esteem.
Personality Number: 9
You are charismatic, dignified and come across as having confidence in your abilities and talents. You have a noble appearance and are very much in control of the image you wish to project. Many celebrities and public figures have this personality number.
You have the ability to attract people and at the same time repel others. While many admire you, some are jealous and task themselves to belittle you due to your arrogance. Your challenge is to be humble and to try not to hold yourself above everyone else.
Although you can be intolerant and self-serving at times, when living with your higher ideals, you are tolerant and kind. You can be a great guardian for society and a good leader to guide everyone towards a better world. You have the compassion to dedicate yourself to improve the lives of many, and you work better when you help others on a grand scale rather than on a one-to-one basis. However, you need to cultivate humility in order to be more integrated and work side-by-side with others.
Personality Number: 11
You have an in-born shyness and much of your efforts are directed towards overcoming this and gaining self confidence. You may have picked up habits associated with nervousness, such as nail biting. Your shyness may be attributed to your strong intuition and sensitivity.
You are generally perceived to be genuinely kind, making many gravitate towards you including negative people. You are easy prey and may find yourself the victim of a conman at least once in your lifetime.
You have a good eye for beauty and a taste for the finer things in life. You often dress neatly in comfortable and soft clothing. However, avoid plain and understated clothes and be a little more adventurous with your appearance to achieve a good balance with your personality.
You are a wonderful listener and thrive in peaceful environments. Your special gift is to make others feel important, loved and wanted. Being exposed to conflict and disharmony makes you tense and affects your wellbeing. You normally seek to avoid situations such as these but for a change, try to challenge yourself to be practical and resolve the issue. Often, people underestimate your determination to preserve harmony but you should avoid being the blank canvas for others’ projections.
Personality Number: 22
Often perceived as hardworking, trustworthy and committed, you are highly intelligent, sensitive and have exceptional creativity. Through your own efforts and inborn qualities, you have the capability to make your ambitions a reality. People have confidence in you and your judgements, making you an essential partner in business.
Due to your sensitivity and reliability, your personality tends to attract people who seek your advice and guidance. You may also attract people who drain you emotionally as they seek to gain inspiration to build themselves up or feel better about their own inadequacies.
You are a good worker and like a Number 4, you are wise with your money. You find it important to leave a legacy for those close to you, and to ensure they are secure both materially and spiritually. You have an inner drive to leave a lasting impact on the world, and fortunately you are born with the abilities to make this happen.
To live to your fullest, keep your self-doubt and lack of confidence in check. You can be a powerful leader who inspires and motivates others to do good in the world. Try exploring different kinds of work to get a feeling of what you wish to pursue fully. You perform well when your domestic affairs are stable. Therefore it is important for you to find a partner who is equally strong to keep up with your drive for success. Keep yourself in the face of challenge as it brings out the best in you.
When you are in possession of your full capabilities, you need to keep in mind not to be arrogant. You may be deluded into thinking that your judgements and decisions are the best and beyond question. This dangerous egocentric attitude can lead you to seek control of all power in a certain enterprise, and may even extend to your personal life.
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There are particular energies related to each number. The Personality Number is one of the five Core Numbers in your numerology chart. Each person is born with different aspirations and desires and so the path to reach his or her goal of life is also unique.
This makes humans interesting because everyone has their own experiences and reasons on why they behave and feel the way they do. Numerology has proven to be totally dependable when it comes to taking difficult and critical decisions in life.
Thanks for the thoughtful sharing and the understanding of master number 11,22 and 33.
Thank you so much for this article. This article is mainly about the personality number which is related to outer of a person, and the aspects that a person feel comfortable sharing with others.
By reading this article, a person having the personality number 1, have to accept their imperfections when necessary so as to not taint their own self-image as they may lose their self-esteem due to their self-critical thoughts of others’ opinion of them. Thank you.